Rosa Vitiello


Hello! I am a Research Associate and incoming first-year PhD at the Language Technologies Institute in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Prof. Carolyn Rosé and Prof. Yonatan Bisk. Previously, I finished my masters at CMU LTI where I was also advised by Prof. Rosé.

I am passionate about how technology may afford more accessible and readily available learning experiences. My research primarily focuses on educational technology and collaboration. In particular, I am broadly interested in designing user-centered technology to deepen group cooperative skills and learning.

I enjoy connecting with my research peers. Feel free to reach out at rvitiell [at]


Oct 1, 2023 Started as a Research Associate at CMU LTI, working with Prof. Carolyn Rosé and Prof. Yonatan Bisk
Aug 15, 2023 Graduated with my masters at CMU LTI. I will be traveling abroad in Amsterdam and Greece for the next month!
Jun 10, 2023 Attended ISLS 2023 where I presented my Traveling Bazaar demo and Studying Interdisciplinary Collaboration poster, as well as contributed to several publications.

selected publications

  1. ISLS
    How Do Students Deliberate for Socially Shared Regulation in Collaborative Learning? A Process-Oriented Approach
    Belle Dang, Rosanna Vitiello, Andy Nguyen, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), 2023
  2. ISLS Poster
    Studying Interdisciplinary Collaboration as a Core Skill
    Rosanna Vitiello, Joey Huang, Samantha Speed, and 4 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), 2023
  3. ISLS Demo
    Traveling Bazaar: Portable Support for Face-to-Face Collaboration
    Rosanna Vitiello, Soham Dinesh Tiwari, R. Charles Murray, and 1 more author
    In General Proceedings of the ISLS Annual Meeting, 2023